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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Monday, May 3, 2021

Dry Winds | Gerry Haslam | Plant Sale | B Flatlining | Obey Jesus | Opting Out | Old Hippies | Lake Pillsbury | Grand Reopening | Weed v Wine | Asparagus Truck | Klamath Salmon | Bosco-rama | Yesterday's Catch | Coital Death | Animal LaMotta | Buried Blacksmith | Poverty Wages | UFO Story | Splendid Wreckage | Soylent Beige | Gender Sideshow | Please Hold | White Guy | Devil's Dictionary | Christmas Carton | American Empire

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, May 2, 2021

Spring Weather | Rainfall Totals | Disaster Recovery | Mendo Covid | Vaccination Events | Fort Bragg Water | Pet Potter | 17,000 Plants | Boonville Baseballers | Crime Report | Oddfellows Hall | Grewal Lawsuit | Open Mind | Spring Poetry | Ed Notes | Grape Spin | Yesterday's Catch | Economic Legerdemain | Point Miwok | Time & Eternity | Elbow Room | No Sense | National Disgrace | Nuclear Show | Uncle Joe | Best People | Free Shipping | Powermowing | AV Villagers | Marco Radio

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, May 1, 2021

Breezy Weekend | 5 New Cases | Nash Mill Burn Escapes | Spring Ranch | Vaccine Events | More Guidelines | Streetscape Update | Troubled Child | Selective Distrust | Million Dollar Miles | Cloverdale Tents | Ed Notes | Irish Meal | Pot Chat | Toke-o-Matic | Dem Zoom | Yesterday's Catch | Bob Fass | The Internationale | Ugly Hawaii | Tough Guy | Delaware Racket | SOTU Ratings | Archegos Squeeze | Greenwald Interview | Audits Etc. | Mattel Marauder

Mendocino County Today: Friday, April 30, 2021

Shower Chance | 4 New Cases | Garry Flint | Tormentor Identified | Murder Charges | Pennyroyal Hiring | Hopland 1921 | Boonville Farmers | 1911 Barber | Plant Sale | Not Kidnapping | AVHC Appreciation | Enjoy Celery | Road Damage | Henley Tombs | Water Trucks | Ed Notes | Small Meeting | Plane Crash | VaxAliens | Oakland Baseball | Yesterday's Catch | Hello Rudy | Worker Needed | Bee Row | Suicide Logging | Public/Lobbyists | Weed Fixation | Scapegoating | Lee Harvey | Point Reyes | Fetid Adderstongue | Grubby Politics

Anderson Valley Terroir (New Wine Label)

More information... "Fans of the Industry" by Brock Tillis (May 14, 2014) "My Grapes or Your Sleep" by Bruce Anderson (May 14, 2014) "Silencing the Frost Fans" AVA News Service (January 21, 2015)

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, April 29, 2021

Warm Dry | Another Death | Bidenvision | Murderer Footprints | Yellow Tier | Redwood Path | Howe Case | Chemisal Falls | Non-Vi Jamboree | Dimmick Postcard | EMT Report | Future Skull | Barn Sale | Execution Ahead | Poop Dryer | CJ Hello | Talbot Film | Discontented | Ed Notes | Terror Slogan | Video Burglar | Worse Hell | Felon Squared | Slammer Chicks | Knife Attack | Yesterday's Catch | Psychotropic Bus | With Stupid | Shock G

Letters (April 28, 2021)

I am sharing my thoughts and experience to bring light to the inadequate response and services in Mental Health Crisis in Mendocino County...

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, April 28, 2021

High Pressure | 6 New Cases | Ginger Wanted | Perigee Moon | Murder Suspect | Golden Poppies | Forest Demonstration | Covelo Duo | Hand Surgery | Covelo Residents | Ed Notes | Covelo Soldier | Arsonist Sentenced | Mendocino Huntress | Pot Marathon | Soup Intruders | Chapter 22.18 | Yesterday's Catch | Maskless Shopper | Reese Erlich | Power Structure | Toxic Things | Bad Cops | Self Respect | Trump's Ego | Lockdown Survey

Off the Record (April 28, 2021)

STEVE TALBOT ALERTS US: Vietnam veterans protest film — Fifty years ago this month, Vietnam vets came to Washington, DC to protest the war in Vietnam. It remains the most dramatic, memorable demonstration I ever…
