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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Letters (Jan. 5, 2000)

RE: OPERATION PIPELINE Bruce, I live in Seattle, and as you know we have turned a corner here. This is real serious stuff. During the Ollie North trials it was accidentally revealed that there was…

New Study Links Monsanto’s Roundup to Cancer

A recent study by eminent oncologists Dr. Lennart Hardell and Dr. Mikael Eriksson of Sweden, has revealed clear links between one of the world's biggest selling herbicides, glyphosate (RoundUp), to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a form of…

Ruffled Feathers

Last May, Geoffrey and Barbara Gould moved some 50 pairs of breeding macaws and miscellaneous other parrots from Scottsdale, Arizona to Point Arena. The Goulds were unaware that one of their neighbors on Windy Hollow…

Grandpa Munster Is Alive & Radical at 87!

From a recent interview with Al Lewis (Grandpa Munster) published by the New York City anarchist newspaper, “The Shadow,” issue #43. “Besides being a Talmudic scholar, Al Lewis has devoted his life to social and…

“Use My Name and You’re Dead Meat”

A grim-faced Dominic Affinito, flanked by a pair of attorneys from the Ukiah law offices of Jared Carter, appeared in Fort Bragg’s Ten Mile Court Tuesday morning to answer charges that he’d assaulted Fort Bragg…

God & Unions Not Incompatible

In a major ruling on employees first amendment and labor rights, the National Labor Relations board last week rejected a bid by the 7th Day Adventist Church for a religious exemption to prevent registered nurses…

Valley People (March 18, 1998)

THE UPSIDE of small town life: Saturday night, it having suddenly occurred to me at 7:25pm that I hadn’t bought a Lottery ticket for a chance at 7 mil (I figure I need twice that),…
