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Posts tagged as “essays”

The Humiliation of Dr. Chen

The US government has dropped charges against Dr. Gang Chen, an MIT scientist accused of concealing Chinese affiliations when he applied for $2.7 million in…

Fixing the World (a Dog’s Advice)

Longtime readers may recall that when the Spousal Unit leaves the house and the dog and I are alone with our brandy, we often have…

Uh Oh, No O’io!

Honolulu -- Hawaiian bonefish, called o’io here, have shoulders. They’re bigger, beefier and warier than their Caribe cousins. Not to worry If one of these…

Democrats: The More Effective Evil

When all else fails, when you are clueless about how to halt a 7.5% inflation rate, when your Build Back Better bill is gutted, when…


My odd job for the morning was from a voice mail that came last night, in the early evening. A man said he was calling…

More Toys Would Only Make Things Worse

Remember those bumper stickers years ago that read “He Who Dies With the Most Toys Wins”? It was a catchy, relatable sentiment that appealed to…
