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Posts tagged as “essays”


I’ve been lucky. In every place where I have lived, the water was just fine. My first experience with water had to have been in…

Outsource This

I was a temp worker, doing brainless clerical work in an office. In the back of the same building, the company had their factory, churning…

Kayo v. DiFi

Trying to breathe life into the extinct mammoth Republicanus Liberalis, former Congressman Tom Campbell recently launched a start-up called the Common Sense Party. Campbell served…

Journal of the Plague Year (#26)

Berkeley, CA September 14, 2020 – “Grandpa, do you remember the day the sun didn’t come up?” “Couldn’t have happened.” “But there are videos. Look!” …

Sick of Bach

J. S. Bach’s music has many lessons to teach us, though they are rarely for the faint-of-heart. Indeed, faintness of heart is one of Bach’s…

Defensible Space

Please read about the massive 1931 Comptche Fire and how people survived in the middle of a firestorm due to defensible space. It’s a good…

Back to School

I have a six-year-old grandson, a newly minted kindergartner. The trajectory of his recently launched educational life is a cautionary tale. My daughter and her…

Selling Veggies on the Side of the Road

Here I am sitting on the side of the road, trying to sell tomatoes that won't sell. Actually, I like sitting here all by myself.…

Journal of the Plague Year (#25)

Berkeley, CA September 7, 2020 – Labor Day! Tens of thousands of people, tired and stressed by pandemic protocols, are now doing minimally and maximally…
